About Us

We are trained and certified individuals by Air Force Association's (AFA) CyberPatriot Program Office-Tech caregivers in providing cybersecurity support to those adults who are often vulnerable to cyber threats due to a lack of technological experience and knowledge. As trained and certified tech caregivers, we like to give back to the community by conducting virtual and in-person workshops to vulnerable groups. We continue to train under an expert in the Cybersecurity industry with 10+ years of experience.


Ashwath Karunakaram

Ashwath is a freshman at Georgia Tech, with extensive experience in cybersecurity, through participating in an AFA-Sponsored competition CyberPatriot, and earning a Tech Caregiver certification created by CyberPatriot and AT&T.

Ananya Karunakaram

Ananya is a 11th grader at Westfield High School, with extensive experience in cybersecurity, through participating in an AFA-Sponsored competition CyberPatriot, and earning a Tech Caregiver certification created by CyberPatriot and AT&T.